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Trustpoint Management Group-TX, LLC | Addison, TX


May was national strawberry month and the best time to get delicious berries.  Strawberries are systemic, which means that anything in the soil, air or water, good or bad, will be drawn into the strawberry plants and affect the flavour. You can’t wash it off, it is throughout the berry.

It’s not unlike how customer service attitudes in individuals can affect the entire company.  The environment affects how employees treat customers.  Owners often ask me to train their customer service department to increase their satisfaction numbers  with customers.  It is the entire organization that needs to be indoctrinated in the attitudes, behaviors and techniques that make for great customer service.  The customer service providers are only one cog in the machinery that delivers top quality service to clients.

Have you taken stock of the customer service environment in your company lately?


Image courtesy of  Keattikorn /
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